Henry A. Russell was born in Camden County, Ga., January 23, 1832, and died March 19, 1916, at Wesley Memorial Hospital, Atlanta, Ga. He was the oldest son of Henry R. Russell and Caroline Hardee Russell. His mother was a sister of of that distinguished Confederate officer, Gen. William J. Hardee. When quite young Henry Russell entered the counting house of his uncle, Noble Hardee, at Savannah, Ga., which position he retained until, on account of impaired health, he moved with his mother and two younger brothers, Milton and Joe, to the northern part of his native State. These two brothers at the outbreak of the War between the States entered the service of the Confederacy, and each of them furnished every evidence of valor and devotion, Milton losing his right arm and Joe being badly wounded in his left leg while battling for the cause. When the war began, Henry Russell was busily engaged in coal-mining in Dade County, Ga., in connection with those afterwards distinguished Confederate soldiers, John B. Gordon and Eugene C. Gordon. He arranged his business affairs with all possible dispatch and tendered himself to the Confederate States government. Preferring the cavalry service, he enlisted in the command of Gen. Joe Wheeler and served with devotion and bravery until the close of the war. On November 13, 1856, Henry A. Russell and Mary E. Gordon, a daughter of Judge James H. Gordon, of Walker County, Ga., were united in marriage. Of this union, three children were born, all of whom are yet living-Gordon Russell, of Sherman, Tex., Henry A. Russell, Jr., of Richmond, Va., and Joe Russell, of Atlanta, Ga. After the death of his first wife he was married to Mrs. Charlotte Moral, a member of a prominent Georgia family, who also preceded him to the great beyond. He was a Mason for many years, devoted to the order and illustrating its lofty principles in his life and character, and his Masonic brethren laid him to rest at Dalton, Ga., his old home, with their sublime and beautiful ceremonies. He was a member of Joe E. Johnston Camp, U. C. V., Atlanta, and always took a lively interest in all things that concerened the soldier of the Confederacy. While Henry A. Russell never doubted the justice of the cause for which the South fought, yet he accepted the results of the war as accomplished facts and turned his face to the future. With tender devotion to the Old South, he threw his energies with those who were engaged in building it up anew. He was endowed with high physical and moral courage and sttod for truth and right as he understood them with unfaltering faith and unflinching front. His devotion to his convictions was of that stamp which made him willing at the call of duty to sacrifice himself to the uttermost. He was a consistent member of the Second Baptist Church, of Atlanta, Ga., and died in the triumph of a Christian faith. Simple and unassuming in his manners, tender and regardful of those with whom he came in contact, with a wealth of refined humor and a store of valuable learning and wisdom, he was a rare and most interesting friend and companion. As a husband and father he was faithful and affectionate and reached the highest ideals. Lookng back over his life, one is reminded of the true old saying that, "while a king may make a lord, it requires God Almighty to make a gentleman." He was one of those men who made the world much better for having lived in it.
SOURCE: Confederate Veteran Magazine, October, 1916.
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