XIX. Authority is hereby granted to Messrs. Heck, Brodie & Co., Government contractors, to select from the military prisons at Salisbury, N. C., and Danville, Va., sixty prisoners who may volunteer to work in their bayonet factory on Deep River, N. C.; provided, first, that Capt. W. L. Brodie and Lieut. Reese W. Butler, of said firm, who are commanding Company A, City Battalion, North Carolina Reserves, file with the officers commanding prisons duplicate certificates on honor that said prisoners shall be actually and sufficiently guarded both day and night; and secondly, that the prisoners before leaving said prison camp shall in presence of the officers commanding sign a written statement, to be left with said officers, to the effect that they have volunteered to labor for Messrs. Heck, Brodie & Co. at their factory. By command of the Secretary of War:
SOURCE: Official Records of the War of the Rebellion, Series 2, Volume 7, pg. 1057-1058
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