Robert Scott.-Born in Monongalia County, Va. Went to Maryland. Enlisted in the Regular Army of the United States. Served in the Mexican war in Company F, Third Artillery. Was discharged in California in 1849. Has lived in California until March last, then came through Texas to Fort Smith. At Fort Smith found General McCulloch's courier was sick. Carried dispatches back to Texas, From Fort Smith came to Tazewell County, Va. There for a month he drove cattle from Tazewell to Chapman's army. Hausbarger employed him from Chapman. Says he was discharged from this service at the Salt Sulphur Springs, in Monroe. Went to Lewisburg, Greenbrier County, where he was arrested and discharged. Then he went to Frankford, Greenbrier County, where he was arrested by citizens; his horse, saddle, bridle, revolver and bowie-knife taken from him and he was sent on here. General Chapman says this man was employed by Hansbarger to drive cattle from Tazewell to Monroe for General C's brigade. Says he was mounted on a mustang and he had a Mexican saddle. He did not suspect anything wrong. General Haymond informs me the Scott family of Monongalia are Southern in their feeling. Two Scotts were in the Regular Army in Mexico. He was not present at the examination and did not know whether this man was one of them. Scott is willing to take the oath of allegiance. Says if his horse, saddle and bowie-knife and pistol are returned he would be willing to volunteer in a cavalry company; but he is forty-two years old, and would not be willing to serve in an artillery or infantry company. Assuming this man's statement to be true as far as it goes he is a citizen of California. Has traversed the whole extent of the Confederacy. Has not disclosed his purposes and intentions to any one. He ought therefore to be dealt with as an alien enemy passing through the country improperly. But I am not satisfied his statement is true. His account of his trip from California through Texas to Fort Smith and from Fort Smith to Tazewell is too meager to be satisfactory. I cannot avoid the suspicion he is a spy. For the present I recommend he be held as a prisoner of war.
SOURCE: Official Records of the War of the Rebellion, Series 2, Volume 2, pgs. 1473-1474
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