Private T. G. Scott, Co. B, 54th North Carolina, aged 45 years, was wounded at Harper's Farm, April 6, 1865, and admitted to the field hospital of the 3d division, Second Corps. Surgeon O. Everts, 20th Indiana, noted, "shot flesh wound of left knee." From the field hospital the wounded man was transferred to City Point, and thence, on April 22d, to the West's Buildings Hospital, Baltimore. Acting Assistant Surgeon A. Kessler contributed the specimen, represented in the annexed wood-cut, with the following description: "A minie ball passed through the left leg just below the knee joint, implicating the joint but not laying it open. The leg became much swollen and discolored, and from the openings flowed a quantity of what appeared to be arterial blood. Soon after the patient's admission there appeared severe constitutional symptoms : rigors followed by high and continued fever, delirium, extreme nervousness, much prostration, constant vomiting, and sleeplessness. Amputation, which, at an earlier period, might have saved his life, was then pronounced impracticable, and the patient died with symptoms of pyzemia, May 4, 1865. A post-mortem examination of the limb revealed the fact that the tissues above and below the joint, the muscles, fascia, etc., were a gangrenous mass, and that the greater portion of the joint itself was divested periosteum and rapidly assuming the character of caries. Otherwise the joint was found to be intact, exhibiting no fracture."
SOURCE: Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, Volume 2, Part 3.
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