On August 15, 1921, Gen. Evander Shapard, Past Commander of the Tennessee Division, U. C. V., died at his home in Shelbyville, Tenn. He was born in Fayetteville, Tenn., November 2, 1843. After mature thought and study he became convinced that the States forming the compact of the United States were sovereign under the Constitution, and, therefore, that the Southern States had the right to secede from that compact, so in October, 1861, he answered the call of the South by joining Company F of the 41st Tennessee Infantry. His first battle was at Fort Donelson, in February, 1862, where, with his regiment, he was captured and remained in a Northern prison for seven months, being exchanged at Vicksburg, Miss., in September, 1862. After being exchanged the regiment was reorganized and assigned to the Army of Tennessee, and Evander Shapard was made sergeant major of the regiment. From that time he participated in every engagement of the Army of Tennessee until the surrender, and he was honorably paroled at Greensboro, N. C., on May 1, 1865-having obeyed every order and done his full duty as a Confederate soldier. After the war he was very active in rebuilding his State, devasted [sic]by the four years of the war. In June, 1888, Comrade Shapard organized the William Frierson Bivouac of Confederate soldiers at Shelbyville, Tenn., and was elected its president. In October, 1889, the Tennessee Division of Confederate soldiers elected him as one of the Trustees of the Confederate Home, which position he held until January, 1917, when the Home was placed under the management of a State Board of Control. In October, 1916, the Tennessee Division, U. C. V., elected him as its commander, with the rank of major general, and this he held until October, 1918, when he voluntarily refused reelection, though it was tendered him unanimously. He was obliging, gentle, and true in every relation of life, and Confederate veterans suffered and irreparable loss in his death. Of him it may be justly said: "He was a man, take him for all in all, I shall not look upon his like again." All honor to him as a true gentleman and a gallant Confederate soldier. [John P. Hickman]
SOURCE: Confederate Veteran Magazine, January, 1922.
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