From memorial resolutions passed by Camp No. 770, U. C. V., of Los Angeles, Cal., in tribute to Mrs. Agnes Goodridge Simmons, beloved wife of Comrade S. S. Simmons, Commander of the Camp, the following is taken: "Mrs. Agnes Goodridge Simmons, daughter of Col. Charles Ruffner, was born at Charleston on Kanawha, W. Va., on March 20, 1851, and died May 5, 1920. She married Sampson Saunders Simmons, of Cabell County, W. Va., in February, 1870, and their golden wedding anniversary was celebrated on February 13, 1920. She was the mother of ten children, four of whom died in infancy. Three daughters and three sons survive her: Mrs. George T. Klipstun, of Alexandria, Va.; Mrs. William P. Mahood and Mrs. John W. Platt, of Los Angeles, Cal.; Bennett E. Simmons, of Los Angeles, Cal.; Goodridge Kilgore Simmons, of Holtsville, Cal.; C. Ruffner Simmons, of Phoenix, Ariz. The youngest son served in France in the Aero Squadron, A. E. F. "Mrs. Simmons united with the Church at about fifteen years of age and all through life was more or less active in the work of the Church, and she was an active worker in the Women's Christian Temperance Union in her West Virginia home town. Her family, a large one, in her native county is among the oldest of the Virginians and devoted its entire strength to the cause of the Confederacy during the War between the States. Her father, too old for military duty at the time, maintained a hospital for Confederate soldiers near the border of Virginia and became the object of the bitterest persecution by the invading army because of his influence and activities on behalf of the South. Her husband, Sampson S. Simmons, was a member of Company E, 8th Virginia Cavalry, known as the 'Border Rangers,' commanded by the gallant Albert Gallatin Jenkins. The family have made their home in Los Angeles since 1908. "Resolved, That the members of this Camp cherish the memory of Mrs. Simmons as that of one who was loyal to the ideals and principles for which we strive, helpful to us in our work, and an ever ready friend to us, one and all."
SOURCE: Confederate Veteran Magazine, July, 1920.
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