John A. Sites.-Born in Hardy County. Says he never belonged to home guard; was solicited to join them and refused. Says he was over with them at Shell's Gap. Got there in the evening; left the next morning; was taken sick and remained within two miles for several days. Says he never was with the guard at Alleghany. Says he never belonged to the home guard. Is willing to take the oath of allegiance. Wilhite in his deposition says: John A. Sites joined their company; did the duty of a soldier; was in the first raid on Petersburg and sick at the time of the second raid. I think this man ought not to be discharged. During his examination he affected deafness. When a question was asked him it was difficult to get a direct answer and his whole manner impressed me with the belief he was studiously withholding the truth.
SOURCE: Official Records of the War of the Rebellion, Series 2, Volume 2, pg. 1456-1457
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