Theodore Lieb of New Orleans; George William Craig, late first officer of the ship City of New York, and Frank Newton, late private in the Thirteenth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, upon their own confession and clear proof, after a full hearing, were convicted of being members of an organized gang of thieves, consisting of seven or more, of which William M. Clary and Stanislaus Roy, mentioned in Special, Orders, No. 98, and now under sentence of death, were principals, bound together by an oath or obligation, engaged, by means of a forged authority and false uniforms, in robbing the houses of divers peaceable citizens of their moneys, watches, jewelry, and valuables, under pretense of searching for arms and articles contraband of war, must suffer the proper penalty. At least eight houses, as appears by their confession, were plundered by three or more of their gang, while others were watching without, at various times, and a large amount of property carried off. A large portion has been since recovered. The heinousness of their offense is heightened by the contempt and disgrace brought upon the uniform, authority, and flag of the United States by their fraudulent acts in making it cover their nefarious practices, and renders them peculiarly the subjects of prompt and condign punishment. It is therefore ordered that George William Craig and Frank Newton, for these offenses as aforesaid, be hanged by the neck until they and each of them are dead, and that this sentence be executed upon them at or near the parish prison, in the city of New Orleans, on Monday, the 16th day of June instant, between the hours of 6 a. m. and 12 m., under the direction of the provost-marshal, and for so doing this shall be his sufficient warrant. Theodore Lieb, being a youth of eighteen years, only in consideration of his tender years, has his punishment commuted to confinement at hard labor on the fortifications at Ship Island, or the nearest military post, during the pleasure of the President of the United States. By command of Major-General Butler:
Related Documents:Special Order 98. SOURCE: Official Records of the War of the Rebellion, Series 2, Volume 2, pg. 343
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