Samuel Henry Sprott, son of Robert and Mary Sprott, was born on June 14, 1840, in Sumter County, Ala., and died April 12, 1916, in Jasper, Walker County, Ala. He was reared on a farm and was educated in the country schools and in Barton Academy, in Mobile, Ala. Entering the Confederate army as a private in March, 1862, he was soon afterwards made a lieutenant and then a captain of Company A, 40th Alabama Regiment. He commanded this company to the end, surrendering with it in Salisbury, N. C., in May, 1865. As a soldier he was true to every call of duty, shirking no hardships and meeting bravely every danger. In war, as in civil and professional life, he was always the high-toned, patriotic Christian gentleman. Returning home after the surrender, he taught school, studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1868. After fifteen years of successful law practice, he was appointed in 1883 by Gov. E. A. O'Neal judge of the Sixth Judicial District, and he was successively reelected to this office for nearly twenty-eight years. His last public service was a State Senator in the legislature of 1911. In 1868 he married Miss Leonora, the daughter of Dr. A. E. Brockway. She, with their two sons, four daughters, and twelve grndchildren, survives him. In his cultured home he was affectionate to his family, impressing upon them his high ideals and his laudable ambitions. He dispensed delightful hospitality to his friends and left the influence of his strong, inspirational personality upon all with whom he came in contact. In the days of Reconstruction he was actively engaged with other patriots to abolish the evils of that horrible period of political misrule and to reestablish peace and good government in the State. He was a Royal Arch Mason, and for forty years he was an officer in the Presbyterian Church in Livingston. Joel C. DuBose.
SOURCE: Confederate Veteran Magazine, October, 1916.
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