After a lingering illness, John W. Stark, a prominent citizen and retired business man, died at his home, in Bowling Green, Ky., March 23, 1915. He was born near Rocky Hill, Edmondson County, October 18, 1841, a son of Charles Catlett and Lucy Green Stark. He was of Virginia ancestry, his great-grandfather, Jeremiah Stark, having gone from the Old Dominion to Kentucky and settled in that part of Warren County that is now Allen County. He was an extensive landowner and planter and built the Baptist church at Gainesville. His grandparents were James and Elizabeth Duncan Stark. John W. Stark removed to near Gainesville when a lad, and for years he engaged in the mercantile business, retiring in 1890, when he went to Bowling Green. He was married in October, 1867, to Miss Eliseph Stark, who survives him with four sons and five daughters. At the age of eighteen years John W. Stark enlisted in the Confederate army as a member of Captain Ridley's company, serving under Gen. Simon Bolivar Buckner until the close of the conflict. He was a member of the Baptist Church and was a Royal Arch Mason, During his residence in Bowling Green he served on the council and city school boards, Of him a friend writes: "No braver man ever wore the gray; no soldier ever enjoyed greater respect or confidence from a superior officer than John W. Stark. Those who have been his lifelong friends realize fully that the earth can renew her spring glories, but a friend gone comes back to us never."
SOURCE: Confederate Veteran Magazine, August, 1918.
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