Dr. Henry E. Shepherd, of Baltimore, calls attention to an error in the maiden name of the wife of Capt. Louis Gourdin Young, a sketch of whom appeared in the VETERAN for August, page 306, and of whom he writes: "To a heroic and gifted Southern woman, such as Mrs. Louis Gourdin Young, of Savannah, Ga., who blended into harmony in life and character the graces of historic lineage with the purest ideals of a versatile and catholic culture, no tribute, however long deferred, is ill-timed or irrelevant. "Miss Mary Stuart Waller, who became the wife of Capt. Louis G. Young, was a native of ancient Williamsburg, Va., a granddaughter of President John Tyler, and a probable representative in descent of the Cornwellian and Restoration poet, Edmund Waller. All the potent ties of blood, origin, as well as resistless influence of moral and logical conviction, linked her with the aspirations and traditions of the South that is dead, its tender grace, its fadeless charm, which defy even the visissitudes of fortune, the complex anarchy, and the prevailing chaos of our contemporary world, if ony as a memory or a vision of a vanished and irrevocable past. In literary and historical acquirement, Mrs. Young's range was broad and accurate; from the standpoint of religion, she was a devoted and uncompromising Anglican. Foreign travel and enlightened observation imparted as especial flavor to her varied attainments, the gift of communicating or imparting rendering he intellectual treasures ever accessible and available, instead of being shrouded in the esoteric and cloistered seclusion which is often the evil genius of the professional scholar."
SOURCE: Confederate Veteran Magazine, September, 1922.
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