J. B. Bownman.-Says he was born in Montgomery County, N. Y. Has lived in Fairfax twelve years. Lives at Vienna Station, near Falls Church. Says his employment for the last five or six years was getting timber for the Loudoun and Hampshire Railroad. Says he goes with the South in this war. Furnished a horse to get up Ball's cavalry. Would have volunteered himself, but for a defective ankle which unfits him for military service. Says his teams have been employed for the Southern army. is willing to take the oath of allegiance. Thinks he was arrested on an [article] printed in the Dispatch taken from some Northern newspaper, but says he does not know anything about it. No charge is sent against this man. Having no evidence I recommend his discharge on taking the oath of allegiance.
SOURCE: Official Records of the War of the Rebellion, Series 2, Volume 2, pg. 1456
Related documents:
Memoranda on J. B. Bowman, Virginia, circa 1861-1862
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