J. B. Bowman (re-examined).-After using all exertions to get newspaper article in reference to Bowman I re-examined him without it. The letter of Mr. Moore was shown him. He said on the Wednesday preceding the battle of the 21st the First and Second New Jersey Regiments were stationed at his house. On Sunday morning the colonel of the Second New Jersey Regiment impressed his team to take a surgeon to Centreville. He could not resist because he says as he said before his team had been used in the service of the Confederate Government. He says his negro driver ran off on the day the New Jersey regiment came to his house. He was told if he did not go they would find a driver for his team. He feared he would lose his team if this was done. He hitched up his Jersey wagon to go. While he was doing this the surgeon asked him to take two gentlemen along who would pay him well. He agreed to do so. They turned out to be reporters. He says on the way Mr. Moore fell in behind them on horseback and went to a relations. Prisoner says he went to Centreville and immediately returned, getting home to dinner. He further says he told me he had gone with this party to Centreville that day. I asked him if he was willing to move his family back into the interior of the county and remain in the Confederacy. He replied he could not get his family out of the enemys lines. Said his father-in-law is an Englishman, living in New York and taking no part in this war, and able and willing to give him and his family the means of support. Says he wishes to be discharged on his parole not to aid in this war. He expresses now reluctance to take the oath of allegiance. Says the enemy have taken his property. If he takes the oath he will not be paid for it. Expresses a wish to go to New York. Says two of his neighbors are prisoners in Washington. If released on his parole he will procure the release of one of them. Case: On this examination I must say I do not recollect his stating to me he was at Centreville the day of the battle. He did tell me the First and Second New Jersey Regiments were at his house and impressed his team for the service of the enemy. I remember he told me the negro had run off. But I do not remember his telling me this in connection with the battle at Centreville. His account of that matter now is clear and distinct, and on it I might have recommended his release on condition of removing into the interior of the State if he had manifested now the same interest in the Confederacy that he did on his former examination. But when tested with this proposition his heart appears to be with the North. I cannot with my present views recommend his discharge.
SOURCE: Official Records of the War of the Rebellion, Series 2, Volume 2, pg. 1475
Related documents: Memoranda on arrest of J. B. Bowman, Fairfax, Virginia. 1862
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