Brig. Gen. JOHN COOK,
Have made during the night the following arrests of rebel officers, escaped prisoners of war, and citizens in connection with them: Morgan's adjutant-general, Col. G. St. Leger Grenfell, in company with J. T. Shanks, an escaped prisoner of war, at Richmond House; J. T. Shanks; Col. Vincent Marmaduke, brother of General Marmaduke; Brig. Gen. Charles Walsh, of the Sons of Liberty; Captain Cantrill, of Morgan's command; Charles Travers (butternut). Cantrill and Travers arrested in Walsh's, in which was found two cart-loads large-sized revolvers, loaded and capped, 200 stand of muskets, loaded, and ammunition; also seized two boxes gnus concealed in a room in the city. Also arrested Judge Buck Morris, treasurer Sons of Liberty, having complete proof of his assisting Shanks to escape and plotting to release prisoners at this camp. Most of the rebel officers were in this city on the same errand in August last, their plan being to raise an insurrection and release prisoners of war at this camp. There are many strange and suspicions persons in the city, believed to be guerrillas and rebel soldiers; their plan was to attack the camp on election night. All prisoners arrested are in camp. Captain Nelson and A. C. Coventry rendered very efficient service.
SOURCE: Offical Records of the War of the Rebellion, Series 1, Volume 45, Part 1, pages 1081-1082.
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